B&H is one of the most culturally and naturally diverse lands in all of Europe…

Bosnia and Herzegovina is the heart shaped land that lies in the centre of southeast Europe. It is here that eastern and western civilizations met, sometimes clashed, but more often enriched and reinforced each other throughout its long and fascinating history. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a melting pot of many different cultures, a bridge between what we call today East and West.
At the intersection of two great empires – the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottomans – Bosnia and Herzegovina has huge historic appeal. The traveller’s experience is like nowhere else; from Roman times to the reign of the Bosnian Kings; from the Ottoman Period, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Yugoslavian era. Bosnia and Herzegovina is also a paradise for nature lovers. Soaring mountains, untouched forests, real “natural“ nature, wild rivers invite you to come for rafting and canoeing or for long walks. The Olympic skitracks offer the opportunity of enjoying the snow for affordable prices.
With its natural beauties, good geographical location, wonderful hospitality of Bosnian people, rich heritage and history, gastronomy offerings, and its status as a still unknown tourism destination for major markets, B&H has all pre-determinants for an extremely successful story of tourism industry. According to the World Tourism Organization, Bosnia and Herzegovina is defined as one of only three tourism destinations in the world with overall tourism market growth potential in excess of 10% annually through 2020. Also, Bosnia has been awarded the leisure destination in the outside world by the National Geographic.
The Rough Guides have chosen Sarajevo as their second best city to visit in 2014. Following their motto ‘Make the most of your time on earth’ their experts on 200 worldwide travel destinations put Sarajevo on a second place in their Top 10 Cities list after Rio de Janeiro, in the year Brazil hosted the World Cup, and Sarajevo was described as ‘a mini-Istanbul’.
This beautiful country has so much to offer for those people who seeks different experiences, away from the crowds, either they are lovers of skiing, rafting, hunting or patient bird-watching. Perhaps the greatest asset is the wonderful hospitality of Bosnian people, along with the traditional Bosnian coffee and cakes, the irresistible “ćevapi” (grilled minced-meat fingers), wines, our lively urban promenadesand small cosy places. And as the old cliche goes ‘people make the place’ – and Bosnia and Herzegovina prides itself on its hospitality and treating our guests as if they are family members.
World Economic Forum has published the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report for 2013 and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Attitude of population toward foreign visitors Competitiveness Index for 2013 is 6.6, which gives the country a rank of 8 out of 140 countries with comparable data. Also, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Quality of the natural environment Competitiveness Index for 2013 is 5.5, which gives the country a rank of 20 out of 140 countries.
The B&H tourism industry has recorded positive trends in all major growth indicators over the past ten years, with still considerable room for further utilization of its unquestionable potential.
Moorisch proverb says that He who does not travel does not know the value of men, we would add does not know the value of places too.
So to make long story short, visit Bosnia and Herzegovina, enjoy life in Bosnia and Herzegowina, explore Bosnia and Herzegovina, take a rest and refresh yourself in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
You are more than welcome and we promise you will not regret it.
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. ”Ernest Hemingway